
criminal offence 刑事罪。

criminal operation

Who is a victim ? a victim is a person who suffers physical or emotional harm , or loss or damage to property because of a criminal offence 受者者是指直接因刑事罪行而遭受肉體或精神傷害,或遭受財物損失或損?的人。

In 2001 , 999 iis were arrested for committing criminal offences , a marginal drop when compared with 1 , 033 iis arrested for crime in 2000 999名非法入境者因干犯刑事罪行而被拘捕,與2000的1 , 033名比較,輕微下跌3

Police today ( april 29 ) reminded motorists that drink driving is a criminal offence and offenders are liable to imprisonment 警方今日(四月二十九日)提醒駕駛人士,酒后駕駛為刑事罪行,違例者可被判監禁。

Notify the police if criminal offence is suspected without delay . in the meantime , take necessary measures to minimize the loss or damage 立即通知警方如涉及犯罪行為,同時請采取必要措施盡可能減少損失

These persons were suspected to be connected with trafficking in dangerous drugs and other criminal offences such as murder and robbery 他們涉嫌與販運毒品及其他刑事案件(例如謀殺和行劫)有關而被通緝。

They were suspected to be connected with trafficking of dangerous drugs and other criminal offences such as murder and robbery 他們涉嫌與販運毒品及其他刑事案件(例如謀殺及行劫罪行)有關而被通緝。

They were suspected in connection with trafficking of dangerous drugs and other criminal offences such as murder and robbery 他們是涉嫌與販運毒品,或與其他刑事案件例如謀殺及行劫罪行有關而被通緝。

He insisted that all clerks charged with criminal offences should be tried in the king ' s courts instead of in the bishop ' s court 他堅持被控刑事犯罪的教士都應在國王法庭受審而不是在主教法庭受審。

The police stress that drink driving is a criminal offence and offenders of drink driving once convicted are subject to heavy penalties 警方強調,酒后駕駛是刑事罪行,違例者一經定罪會被重罰。

The court of final appeal upheld laws making it a criminal offence to desecrate or defile the national and regional flags 終審法院維護原有法例的立法精神,裁定侮辱或玷污國旗或區旗屬刑事罪行。

By failing to comply with these requirements , the bank could be committing a criminal offence or be liable for some other sanction 若未能遵守這些規定,則銀行可能構成刑事犯罪或受到其他制裁。

Police also remind the public that illegal obtaining , depositing or cashing the cheques of other people is a criminal offence 警方亦提醒市民,非法取得、儲存或兌現他人的支票均屬違法。

It warns us that there are more criminal offences taken by students and their legal idea become weak gradually 摘要不斷升高的大學生犯罪率警示我們,大學生的法律意識之薄弱極其令人堪憂。

I declare that i have never been found guilty of any criminal offence in a court of law in hong kong or elsewhere 本人在此聲明沒有在香港或外地的法庭被判定有刑事罪行。

3 to enact and amend basic statutes concerning criminal offences , civil affairs , the state organs and other matters 三制定和修改刑事民事國家機構的和其他的基本法律

In 2002 , 625 iis were arrested for a wide range of criminal offences , a substantial drop from 2001 2002年, 625名非法入境者因干犯刑事罪行而被拘捕,較2001年大幅下跌。

Aggravation of the criminal offence in conspiracy is menacing people ' s interests all over the world 當今世界,有組織犯罪活動的加劇,嚴重威脅著全人類的利益。

Abstract an important reason , which causes criminal offence , is a crime motive of the crime native 原文:摘要引起犯罪行為的一個重要原因是犯罪人的犯罪動機。

Article 53 those who violate this law and commit a criminal offence will be punished as a crime 第五十三條有違反本法行為,構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任。